Best Way to Determine Roi on Identity Access Management Solution

5 Ways to Calculate ROI in Identity Management – User Provisioning

User account provisioning is a business process for creating and managing access to resources in an information technology (IT) system. To be effective, an account provisioning process should ensure that the creation of accounts and access to software and data is consistent and simple to administer.

In today's complex IT environments, user provisioning has become a critical problem for enterprises looking to lower the administrative burdens of account management, reduce risk, and reduce costs. So, you realize it's time to invest in improved user provisioning technology as part of your Identity Management (IDM) strategy, but how do you measure the return on investment (ROI)?

Here are five (5) ways to measure ROI and build a business case:

  • Determine the costs associated with current user management and provisioning activities and estimate the savings based on a new automated approach. Note that this could produce hard cost savings or free up resources to focus on more important issues (opportunity cost savings).
  • Look at costs associated to training technical administration teams. An automated and efficient user provisioning technology can allow rapid user administration by non-technical resources allowing your subject matter experts (SME) to focus on higher IT priorities.
  • Review the costs associated with compliance reporting and audits. Automated tools reduce reporting efforts and make audits happen faster.
  • Calculate the probability of security breaches and estimate the potential risk and financial damage. It is important to note that the cost of damage caused by the breach itself is often secondary to the expense of validating the integrity of other data, the expense of securing the environment and the loss of reputation. Last month alone, the Identity Theft Resource Center (IRTC) reported 541 corporate security breaches exposing an estimated 140,092,146 million records.
  • Calculate the employee productivity savings that would occur if they could get their applications configured faster. Look at the costs of lost productivity when new employees have quick access to files they're immediately productive. Assuming an average salary of $50,000, every day of lost work due to slow provisioning could cost an enterprise, school, or governmental agency nearly $200 a day. A large company with 500 new hires a year could easily lose $100,000 to $2M per year.

Despite the complexity of IDM, there are efficient, effective, and scalable IDM solutions that solve immediate business challenges that can be deployed within hours with our "Get Started Bundle". For more information about ServiceControl, please visit our website, download a free trial, or request a consultation or demo


About Rachel Rowling

Hello, I was born in the UK, raised in South Africa and spent a majority of my 20+ years in technology working internationally for software vendors, technology manufacturers, system integrators, Telco's, and resellers across many industry verticals. My key focus is on solving business problems and challenges in identity and access management (IAM) and my passion for technology and people make me appreciate the power of collaboration, and the strength of great customer relationships and partnerships.

Best Way to Determine Roi on Identity Access Management Solution


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